Seventy percent of the people in Northern Ethiopia have not been exposed to the true gospel of Christ. GGI's work in the village of Burayu aims to share the love and hope of knowing God with those people. Every Sunday hundreds of people are worshipping God at the Full Gospel Church of Burayu. In fact, the church is literally bursting at the seams with people having to stand outside to hear Pastor Emmanuel preach and to praise the Lord. Many of these people are realizing their need for a Savior and are coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!
There are still so many souls that need to be reached in this area and our new Outreach Center will provide a training center for our ministry. Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support to the ministry that God has called us to do in Ethiopia.
In partnership with the Full Gospel Church, GGI also operates a sponsorship program in the area that gives assistance to poverty stricken children and assists them with their schooling, meals, and care. Bringing the full gospel both in words and deeds has touched the hearts of hundreds and allowed them to see and receive the gospel first hand.
Outreach Center News & Progress
The building foundation is complete, and we are presently working on the support beams for the walls and roof of the building. Your financial support is needed to purchase the materials to complete the walls and roof of the building.

Laying the Outreach Center Foundation

Raising the Center's Walls