Sunday, April 24, 2011

Full Gospel Church of Burayu Update
Seventy percent of the people in Northern Ethiopia have not been exposed to the true gospel of Christ. GGI's work in the village of Burayu aims to share the love and hope of knowing God with those people. Every Sunday hundreds of people are worshipping God at the Full Gospel Church of Burayu. In fact, the church is literally bursting at the seams with people having to stand outside to hear Pastor Emmanuel preach and to praise the Lord. Many of these people are realizing their need for a Savior and are coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!

There are still so many souls that need to be reached in this area and our new Outreach Center will provide a training center for our ministry. Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support to the ministry that God has called us to do in Ethiopia.

In partnership with the Full Gospel Church, GGI also operates a sponsorship program in the area that gives assistance to poverty stricken children and assists them with their schooling, meals, and care. Bringing the full gospel both in words and deeds has touched the hearts of hundreds and allowed them to see and receive the gospel first hand.

Outreach Center News & Progress
The building foundation is complete, and we are presently working on the support beams for the walls and roof of the building. Your financial support is needed to purchase the materials to complete the walls and roof of the building.

Laying the Outreach Center Foundation

Raising the Center's Walls

Saturday, April 9, 2011

School Book Drive
Every school needs school books and Fountain of Hope in Uganda is no different. Through the years we've been purchasing books to ensure the teachers have at least one book per subject to teach from. Students would bring composition notebooks and copy everything the teacher writes on the blackboard to recreate the teacher's school book in their own composition book. It's a tedious job that has met the requirements until recently.

The government of Uganda is actively increasing the quality of education in the country through increased teacher salaries, increased school standards, and a requirement that school books must now be available for all students not just teachers. For many schools, the expense will be hard to handle but luckily for Fountain of Hope, people like your self are helping out.

Southside Christian School in Spokane Washington recently selected Fountain of Hope as their international partner school. Every year, Southside will choose a special project to benefit Fountain of Hope. Just recently they completed a student led fund raising drive to help purchase solar panels for the school while simultaneously teaching their students the benefits of serving others. (We'll share more about the solar panels in a later newsletter.) For 2011, Southside has chosen school books. The timing is perfect. To help their efforts, our staff in Uganda has outlined the amount needed for each grade as shown in the graph below. From generous contributions already received, the school has completed the purchase of 7th grade books and is on its way to completing the 6th grade. Southside's efforts will help Fountain not only comply with the government requirements but also show the community of Bukeeka just how much God and a bunch of foreigners in America love them.

This past month, another committed group of people from Fairview Oklahoma traveled to Bukeeka to show their love to the people there. They graciously presented the school with $2,300 towards school books! The Lord is good - all the time! The journey in Uganda continues - we can't wait to see what's next!
If you'd like to know more information about Southside Christian School or their Benefit Breakfast and Tea scheduled for April 29th, visit their website at or call 509-838-8139.

Students Creating Their Own Note Books

Newly Purchased School Books

Book Funds Needed and Raised so Far