Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Uganda Mission Team Makes it to Seattle!

The trip has started. We've managed to check in 34 bags for 6 people in Spokane without any problems except for the nice credit card charge for the extras! We've landed in Seattle and will meet up with Emily in 45 minutes as she has driven from Portland. Miles in Arizona is on his way to the Las Vegas airport and will meet us in London.

The team in Spokane (picture below) is off in search of lunch as I write the blog. Since we're in Seattle, I'll share a fe
w good pictures of Seattle culture and let you all vote on which fish eatery is better! Enjoy the photos and look for more in
about two days when we settle into Uganda.


Cheryl Malm said...

Dear Caleb - and all. Have a safe trip and I'll be looking daily to see your pictures and comments....Love to all of you....Grandma Cheryl.....

Sarah Malm said...

So excited for all of you. Rest up on the plane, we will pray for safe travels!

Klimper Family said...

Wahoo!!! Thank you, Jesus for 34 suitcases, for safety to Seattle, for people that answer, "Yes!" to Your Call! I've been on my knees for all of you. I vote for Anthony's!!!!!! May the Holy Spirit attend you. Amen! Love, Becca