Well, after days of trying to diagnose our internet troubles we are finally online again. It seems that someone at the Gullele house thought they needed our sim card more than we did. After a long and confusing visit to the TeleCom office we were able to purchase a new one and we are off and blogging again.
The good news is that we have been given an absolutely beautiful house in Burayu to live in free of rent until we leave for America. Our landlord, Keefley, is a very gracious pensioner who has let us move into the ground floor apt. of his lovely home. It seems he has a heart for missions and has his own vision of building a youth center and library in Burayu.
God indeed has blessed us beyond what we could have imagined. We are learning our way around the town and meeting new shop keepers. On Tuesday Sandy and I and P. Emanuel took a scenic trip by pony cart to the countryside. We met two young girls in beautiful dresses sitting under a tree. I can imagine them planning their futures as they sat there in the shady grove of trees.
We should be all settled in by Friday. Then I hope to start teaching a Christmas Carol to our kids during the program on Saturday. If all goes well we can sing it at Church on the Sunday before Christmas. I’ll ask Sandy to video the performance for the blog. So be sure to stay tuned in!
Thank You for your prayers, Carole
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