Saturday, November 21, 2009

jumprope to numbers

On Saturday we played jump rope with our Burayu kids  between class and lunch. We have successfully fed our children breakfast and lunch  for our second time. We have so much still to learn and to teach. Sandy and I decided to divide and conquer.  She agreed to take our littlest ones and walk with them and teach the words for the things they saw. I  found the older kids in my English class  already know there English alphabet and numbers.  It was the first time I have ever taught children our English language.  The kids are so bright and we laughed a lot as I drew pictures on the board and had them say the English word. We have a bit of work to do on pronunciations but it was an excellent beginning.  This video of  the kids was taken by Sandy.  She is much better at the photos than I am.  I’m beat!  Playing with kids and teaching is hard work.  That’s all for now.   CW

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