Pastor Robert Robbed - Again
GGI's work in Uganda is overseen and managed by Pastor Robert and his wife Sarah. Their vision and heart for the village of Bukeeka is like none other. Pastor's and churches have come and gone in Bukeeka but none have managed to stay and change the village as much as Robert and Sarah. Their perseverance and dedication to serving others is surpassed by none.
In their efforts, many Americans have come along side them to assist. This association with Americans and perhaps their Christian witness in a non-Christian village has left them marked for persecution. In 2010, they were robbed of their household belongs five times. The robbers took everything including the bed sheets. Not only were they robbing a Pastor, they were robbing a Pastor who lived in a simple self constructed house with no water or electricity and no different than anyone else in the bush. Robert and Sarah never took advantage of their association with westerners for personal gain.
At the end of 2010 they moved into a walled compound house closer to town where their association with westerners wouldn't be so conspicuous. They also opened their house to orphans attending Fountain of Hope School who had no place to stay during school breaks. Unfortunately, the persecution has followed. Last month, they were robbed again while taking the children into town. Everything was taken including the children's belongings and blankets. GGI asks that you pray for protection for Pastor Robert and Sarah and for those targeting them for robbery to be self-convicted and confess their sin and glorify God. If you'd like to give financially, to help Pastor purchase bed sheets, blankets, and the necessities of life for himself and Sarah and the children living with them, and perhaps hire a guard, please visit GGI's website and use our online giving option.
Sponsorship Changes a Village
GGI's child sponsorship program changes more than just a child's life - it's changes a village. Bukeeka, a small village in eastern Uganda, lived without hope and in fear. Fear from spirits, witch doctors, human sacrifice, hatred, hunger. There was no hope for a future or happiness. Pastor Robert's vision to open a school to reach the children of Bukeeka and eventually the adults was truly a vision from God. Not only has the school flourished to over 650 students but the village has transformed and is continuing to do so.
An important part of this success has been the child sponsorship program. Enabling a child to attend school, receive a nutritious lunch, provide their school uniform, and give them hope in their future was only the door to the greater opportunity that awaited. Child sponsorship allows us to share God's love with the community, the parents, the politicians, families, local businesses, and everyone who comes into contact with Fountain of Hope School.
Evidence of this change was again voiced in an email today from Uganda. Pastor Robert shared the following.
"Today we had a great day at school celebrating the good 7th grade test results and handing over certificates to them. We had politicians come to the celebration that we didn't even invite, educationists, and other well wishers all came. The mayor of Bukeeka came and excited everyone with the dreams that he is getting these days when Fountain of Hope has opened up a medical center and treating every kind of sickness. He saw in the dream when there is life in the whole community of Bukeeka. All the local leaders were so excited and congratulated us for the good performance."
Child sponsorship helps us make these comments possible. These are comments from leaders in a village that had previously given Fountain of Hope and Pastor Robert death threats for sharing the love of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The same village that just two weeks ago buried one of their own witch doctors 24 hours after he threatened death to the school's construction workers. Sponsorship helps the child, the school, and the village have hope for a future of truth and happiness.
With only 120 out of 650 student sponsored, GGI has many children waiting for sponsorships and a relationship with someone who cares for them unconditionally. Would you consider, or do you know someone who would consider, sponsoring a child in Uganda or Ethiopia? Please visit to sign up for a sponsorship under our Donate tab or email John Kimsey at for more information.
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