Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The team has settled into a daily routine and we've now started the heart of our trip - visiting and blessing the people of Uganda. House visits are special in Uganda. For many families living in the bush, no one ever comes to visit them and to have a Mzungu (foreigner) take the time to come and see them is special. Add to that the fact that the Mzungu is bringing them gifts and telling them that they love them and ask nothing in return opens their hearts brings smiles to their faces.

It is this small show of kindness that opens the door for Pastor Robert, his wife Sara, and others to share the love of Jesus. The team is studying the book of James and putting what they are learning into action. James talks of a faith that is lived out in works and that a true believer in Christ can not help but live out their faith by helping others. Today the team is living this to the fullest.

House visits can also be heartbreaking. One member of the team broke down later in the day crying. They had visited their sponsored child and found them living in a circular mud hut, maybe 10 square feet in size, with a thatched grass roof. The previous night we had all been woken by thunder and extremely heavy rains that lasted from 3am to 6am. This team member had been awoken by the noise, as most of us were, and prayed a pray of thanksgiving that we were safely inside and protected from the rain but was also not happy with not being able to sleep because of the rains. They now stood in their sponsor's hut and listened as the mother told them that eight children live in the hut and due to the holes in their thatched roof the entire family has to get up and stand during heavy rains. As we were lying safely in our beds irritated by the storm, the family was standing huddled together in their hut.

Our visits will continue as we have many children and families to visit and bless. Caleb, our youngest member was able to visit the child his family sponsors as well as others and lead all of us in prayer as we held hands with families and blessed them and their gifts. It is so encouraging to see young people take their faith into action and be an example - thank you Caleb. The team's also learning how poverty doesn't necessarily mean lack of faith or happiness. It's amazing how Ugandans can be so friendly, hospitable, and happy when they live with so little.

Last night as part of our bible study, Pastor Robert, Sara, and Bosco (another key member of the local team) share how our visits are so key to their ministry. Because Pastor and Fountain of Hope School have a relationship with Mzungus and the Mzungus come and help the community, the people of Bukeeka are opening their homes and hearts to Pastor and his message of salvation. Because of the financial aid given and supplies for Sara to reach out to those in need, the people of Bukeeka are seeing the love of Christ in action. Muslims and traditional believers are opening their homes and hearts to the gospel.

All of this is helped by the fact that a small team made the effort to come to Uganda and love the people. Not just send money but come as a family member coming to help.
Our time will quickly come to an end but for now we are the ones being blessed by being here. We are the ones growing in our faith. Enjoy the photos.

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