Uganda Mission Trip Update If you have a chance, please check out our website blog and read through the blogs the Uganda Mission Team posted on their recent trip. The team's presence in Uganda makes a significant difference to the outreach and ministry of Pastor Robert and Sarah and opens doors and hearts for them to minister to long after the team leaves. Here's a quick list of some of the things the team accomplished this year:
- Spent countless hours purchasing and delivering gifts to sponsored children, families, widows, and those in need (I've never given away so many mattresses!)
- Were the hands and feet of Christ as they lived out their Christian faith in deeds. With the book of James as our bible study book it was appropriate that we lived out what we believed and showed our faith through actions not just words.
- Worked at the Fountain of Hope Sports Festival with 175 student athletes and hundreds more spectators and parents
- Visited and worshiped with three churches and provided VBS classes to the children
- Learned about the culture and spiritual / demon beliefs
- Had a one-on-one experience with a demon attack with a 3rd grade girl and taught her how to invoke the name of Jesus to ward off the demons (it's working for her!)
- Baptized 162 people in the Nile River - wow!
- Provided gifts to over 700 students and 20 teachers at Fountain of Hope
- Purchased the needed supplies to construct two 500 gallon water catchment tanks on the new boarding house to collect rain water for washing
- Purchased a bicyle and cell phone for one of the Pastors (his wife loved the cell phone :) )
- Purchased bibles for the new bush churches
- Finished the painting and officially opening of the school's new kitchen - thanks Lutheran Women's Mission League!
- Brought over 7 laptops as gifts
- Two team members spent the night in the bush with local families
- Purchased school books for the school
- Gifted a young Christian man from the village enough money to pay for his first semester of college (he was Pastor Robert's first convert in Bukeeka and a son of a witch doctor)
- Preached, prayed, loved, and laughed with countless Ugandans whom we consider our brothers and sisters
There's countless other things the team did individually or as a group and probably many ways they've made an impact that we don't even know about. I hope you'll read through some of the blogs and perhaps consider joining us next year in June/July. Enjoy the photos below from the trip. There's more on the blog as well. Blessings,John

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