Saturday, June 9, 2012

After almost three days of traveling, our team of ten people made it to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia safe and sound with the exception of some lost luggage. This morning (Saturday) we were able to set out and begin to explore the city of Burayu and meet many of the people we will be serving with this next week. 

As we loaded up into one of the most sketchy vans I've ever been into, our driver merged onto   a main road filled with crazy drivers, people walking straight through it and people's livestock taking up way too much space in the middle of the road! I instantly pulled out my camera and slowly but surely began to fall in love with the people, the culture and this beautiful place. The buildings are made from anything to metal roofing material, to dried mud and straw mixed together to make walls. many of the people sit in the side of the road with their merchandise spread out for people to purchase. I loved seeing the small produce stands with the bananas hanging from the roof. The colors are just beautiful here...the people don't really match their clothes like we would, instead they just wear an array of bright colors all together. 

As we continued on our bumpy and crazy van ride, I had my head out the window and couldn't stop smiling. I'm one of the few white people in the city, so all of us are easily spotted by the locals. I waved and smiled at them and got shocked looks, big grins, waves or raised eyebrows as we passed by! After awhile of driving I waved to some small boys and they were so excited they ran up to the van shouting to us. A member of our team, Carol, immediately let out a shout of joy and called the boys over, speaking their names and saying "I love you, I love you" over and over. She knew these boys from the GGI school when she lived here two years ago. We had finally arrived at the school! This is the moment I was so anxious for...I would finally get to smother these precious children with hugs, kisses and "I love you's". We walked into the courtyard and were immediately greeted with big brown eyes and happy smiles from dozens of children. They poured into the main room and greeted us with the polite handshakes they have been taught to. I shook their hands, but quickly taught them I preferred big hugs and kisses. As the smiling kids poured in I was just overcome with tears and couldn't stop them from flowing! I was so utterly joyful because God had brought us all to these beautiful children...many who do not have parents to show them this kind of affection. We spent some more time at the school but soon left to walk down the street to go to our next stop. I was heartbroken as one little girl named Chaltou had gotten attached to me and started crying when we told her we had to leave. She followed us all the way to the street and would not let go! She stole my heart. 

For the next few hours we walked all through the city and had the honor of visiting Pastor Emmanuel's home and drinking coffee with his family. Bonus: it was also some of the best coffee I've ever had. We got to see the rest of the GGI school and visit the new church building that the Full Gospel Church of Burayu has been working on for over a year. What a blessing that it's almost complete! Tomorrow's Sunday service will be the last time they are in their old building. 

As much as I love seeing the city, meeting the different people and trying the different food,  everywhere we go I seek out the children. They are where my heart completely is! Although I only know about four words in their Ethiopian language, I've learned how true it is that a smile means the same in every language. God is so good and allowed us to meet many many precious children today. We hugged, kissed and held them and smiled to let them know they are loved. This is the first day in our adventure, but I already think it's been one of the most blessed days of my life. I thought it would take me awhile to adjust here, but I feel such an overwhelming peace about being here. I absolutely know that this is exactly where God wants me and the rest of my team right now, and that's why this feels so normal and so right. I am overcome with the type of joy that only comes from resting in the Lord's strength. And it is such a blessing to know the rest of my team is experiencing the same peace, joy and comfort as well. Praise God!

Some specific prayer requests would be for a member of our team, Betrese, who is not feeling well tonight. Her stomach and head are upsetting her. She is one of our main translators, so not only do we need her language skills, but also her sweet and encouraging spirit with us tomorrow! Also pray for wisdom for Dale and Roy as they attempt to open up better communication with the GGI school board in Burayu. 

Thank you so much for your prayers and support, this blessed trip would not have been possible without your loving encouragement. I am so excited to see how God will be moving tomorrow!!

Under the protection of the Almighty God,
Audrey and the GGI team

                                                  The GGI sponsored kids waiting for lunch

                                          Betrese translating for me and my sponsored girl Lydia

                                                      Coffee at Pastor Emmanuel's house
                                                                    The new church building


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