Monday, June 24, 2013

Body Talk in Bukeeka and Evangelism in Wabiyinja

This morning we split into two teams. Becca and Martha went to Bukeeka, where Becca presented a talk on Body Stewardship and Service at a gathering of women, weaving in the Biblical story of Dorcas, a poor woman beloved for her generosity. The presentation was very warmly received, and the women were pleased to receive hygiene kits assembled for each of their families. They responded by giving some beautiful hand-made jewelry to Becca and Martha.

Pastor Ken, Charlie and I went to Wabiyinja, where we blessed five poor widows with gifts of food and got a better understanding of the congregation’s vision for serving the many widows and orphans nearby. One woman’s story was particularly moving, as she was the childless second wife of a Muslim man, whose other wife’s sons had cast her out after her husband died. She so desperately needed to know that she was loved and not forgotten!

After lunch we reunited at the worship center in Bukeeka, then prepared for an evangelistic rally at a cross road near Wabiyinja. The site was chosen because many Muslims live within hearing distance, and some young men had prepared it by building a rough platform of tree limbs about five feet off the ground and a hooking up a powerful sound system.

When we arrived, Sarah, Steven, and ten members of the local congregation climbed onto the platform and began singing and dancing to loud African praise songs. This drew a crowd of curious onlookers to join the singing and dancing members of the congregation who had gathered.

After a long period of praise and inspirational songs by congregation members, Pastor Robert was introduced, then introduced me. I had the opportunity to share the good news, based on Jesus’ revelation to his followers in Matthew 16 that he was not simply a teacher of righteousness like John the Baptist, nor a miracle worker like Elijah, nor a prophet like Jeremiah, but the Christ, the Son of the Living God, who came to break down the gates of Hades and set people free through his death and resurrection. It was a very powerful message in a place where witch doctors hold the power of sin and death over people like spiritual mobsters and Muslims consider Jesus a prophet but then dismiss his words about his identity and purpose!

The sermon started so late that it was getting dark by the time I was done, but the crowd stayed to hear Pastor Robert call for their response to the message, and fourteen people came forward for prayer.   We were watching the bats come out into the night sky as we left, and as we jolted down the dirt road back to the highway I noticed a family had gathered their cows into their yard for the night.  I guess it is now proven that I literally can preach until the cows come home!

After a late dinner we are preparing for another busy day tomorrow. Becca and Martha will be presenting to another women’s group, I will be teaching at a pastors’ conference, and it will be Pastor Ken’s turn to preach at the evening evangelistic rally. Thanks for your continued prayers!

In Christ’s Service,


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