Sunday, July 3, 2016

Friday update from Uganda

Friday brought a slight change of schedule. Originally designated as a rest day, we instead went to the site of the pastors’ wives conference in order to share a message and distribute toys to the children, health kits to the women, and clothing to everyone present. After a teaching time from one of the women’s leaders and a time of greeting from the women’s director, Ken and Bruce each provided Bible teaching for the women.

Both teaching times were enthusiastically received, as is common in these parts. It is gratifying to see the appreciation for the Bible teaching. The people are enthusiastic normally, smiling and laughing easily. Although they lack many basics we would considered necessities in North America, their joy for Christ and for one another is infectious.

Lunch of matoke, rice, and beef was served until all had their fill. Everyone is amazed at the volume of food Ugandans can eat at one sitting. But as it was explained to us, it may be the only meal they are able to have in a day so you eat as much as you can. A very different attitude towards food from what we are used to.

Distributing the toys, clothing, and health kits was somewhat raucous, with children clamoring for toys while matching clothing with approximate sizes. News spread in the village about what was happening so we had many onlookers as we left.

Back at Robert and Sarah’s house we had another marvelous meal. We feel extremely blessed to be cared for so well by Robert, Sarah, and all in their household.

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