Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cancer Update on for Pastor Robert
Earlier this month we shared the news that Pastor Robert had been diagnosed with Kaposi Sarcoma cancer. Although the cancer is common in AIDS patients, it is now spreading throughout Africa in non-AIDS patients like Robert. We also initially told you that a team from Oregon traveling to Africa would be carrying medicine that is unavailable in Uganda. Well, things have changed.

The oncologist in Idaho who supplied the medicine determined that the treatment was not appropriate given the circumstances. Researching a bit online reveals that this treatment requires the patient to be closely monitored and can have severe side affects. If Robert were here in the U.S. the treatment may have been a safe option but not so in Uganda.

Simultaneously, GGI Ambassador in Spokane, Beth Eitriem (who will be joining the 2011 Mission Trip to Uganda) began to advocate for Pastor Robert. Her determination was relentless as she spread the news of Pastor's cancer situation and how he has given so much of his life for others that it's time others give back to him. An oncologist in Spokane answered the call and volunteered free treatment to Robert. A new plan was developing.

Beth relayed the information and added that her family would house Robert and Sarah should they make it to the U.S. Grace Giving offered to be the financial sponsor and pay for airline tickets and expenses. In Uganda, Pastor Paul Hunter (from Oregon and leader of Next Generation Ministries who is also involved in ministry in Uganda and with Pastor Robert) volunteered to help Robert with the US Embassy visa process and payments. Within days God had developed a new plan and surprising to most of us within one week the US Embassy granted Robert and Sarah visa interviews for June 28th!

For now, Robert is hobbling along with a painful left foot and leg but is confident that the Lord has a plan and to not worry. Beth, myself (John Kimsey), and the rest of the GGI team will be in Uganda when Robert heads to the Embassy for his interview. With a bit of luck and a lot of prayer, we hope he will receive his visa and just maybe fly back to Spokane with the team.

For now, GGI is getting ready for the anticipated $4,000 in airfare costs plus any associated expenses incurred during their stay. If you would like to help Pastor Robert receive his cancer treatment please consider making a financial contribution to GGI in his name. As always, all designated donations go 100% to the designation and are tax deductible. Thank you for considering this request, it's well worth it and I believe Pastor Robert will continue to make a difference in the lives of thousands - just read the next story!

A New Church!
A mere 7 years ago the village of Bukeeka had no interest in Christianity or being a part of a Christian church. 5 years ago they were making death threats against Pastor Robert and those who supported the small church or Fountain of Hope School. Today, Bukeeka sent a team of 40 people and a new Pastor to another village to evangelize and open their third church! Amazing.

GGI is so proud to be a small part of the success that Pastor Robert, his wife Sarah, and all those involved in the church and Fountain of Hope school have had. Not only have they impacted the lives of thousands of people in Bukeeka both spiritually, physically, mentally, and academically, they have inspired the people to reach out beyond their village to those around them. It's amazing what love can do. It can change a person's heart which in turn changes a family's heart which in turn changes a community's heart which in turn changes another community's heart which in turn changes a nation which in turn changes the world!

Pastor Robert shares best in his words the recent outreach.

"As planned, we went to Ndolwa with a team of 40 people from True Worship Center Church Bukeeka and spent 7 days evangelizing this village through door to door preaching, open air Crusade and Jesus film showing. I can say this is the most successful mission we have ever done as a church.

We had 264 people who gave their lives to Christ although there are others that were not recorded. God was so good to us that the local council Chairman gave his life to Christ, the Mayor of the trading centre also gave his life to Christ and two of the known witch doctors in the village also received Christ. On Sunday we had over three hundred people who attended the first service and after the service we baptised 74 new converts. It's the distance to the Nile River where we baptized them that limited some people from being baptized otherwise we would have even 200.

God delivered people in different ways, those who were demonically oppressed were delivered, many healed of different sicknesses and the whole village was filled up with joy on Sunday. Although it was not easy for me because the foot was paining me very much, it refreshed my life to see God at work through the people I know and serve. The devil tried to attack me through a car accident but God protected me with the two new converts I was driving with. Our car turned over but none of us was injured so I praise God for that.

All this big testimonies would not happen if it was not for your financial support. There was no way we could feed over 50 people for seven days but because of your financial support, we managed to evangelize this village and hundreds were drawn to the kingdom. On behalf of the entire team, allow me thank you so much for supporting this mission. May the Lord bless you so much. It was a good experience to watch the people of Bukeeka turn another village for Christ. That was my greatest joy.

Finally reach our appreciation to Pastor Ken for the Bicycle donation to Godfrey, it will help him follow up on those people who have accepted Christ and help him connect to different places because transport is so hard in Ndolwa but now he can go any where he want at any time. Both Godfrey and Annet are so thankful to pastor Ken for the bicycle and sponsoring their son Job. (Pastor Godfrey was a long time teacher at Fountain of Hope School as well.)

I will be sending some more details later on but I hope that the pictures attached to this email will give you a glimpse of what happened. Thanks and may God bless you. Robert."

With that enjoy the photos and may God bless you and keep you safe. John and the GGI team.

Outdoor crowd gathers to hear the message and worship team.

New congregation outside church Pastor Robert in middle blue and white shirt and Pastor Godfrey on right side with light blue shirt and tie.

Pastor Godfrey and wife Annet with his new bicycle.

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