Recently we received an email from Uganda that we never thought we'd receive. Pastor Robert, our trusted brother who's vision for Fountain of Hope School has inspired us and changed a community, had been diagnosed with cancer.
Robert first experienced problems with his foot in 2008 before having open sores the next year. Like many Africans, Robert's limited financial resources deterred him from paying for a medical exam until recently. With the pain increasing and the swelling moving up his leg, he finally visited a doctor. The result showed that he has cancer by the name of Kaposi Sarcoma.
Immediately, internet searches began and Robert visited a cancer doctor in Uganda's capital Kampala. Kaposi Sarcoma is common in central Africa in older men so it's unusual that Robert, in his mid 30's, has progressed this far at such a young age. It's also a common cancer among HIV positive patients but Robert has tested negative for HIV. After further tests, it looks as if the cancer is localized in his lower left leg and the rest of his body seems to be okay. The problem lies in treating the cancer. In the U.S., his options would be plentiful but in Uganda they are limited. In fact the prescribed chemotherapy drug from the doctor isn't even available in Uganda. Luckily for Robert, the Lord has touched the hearts of many people around the world to help.
A team traveling to Uganda this week to do outreach and humanitarian work is carrying the medicine Robert needs to begin treatment. We're praying for his healing and that the medicine from America will be successful. GGI's team traveling to Uganda in seven weeks will take a second dose of the medicine if needed. For now we ask that you stand beside Robert has he faces the next challenge in his life.

Robert's foot and cancerous sore.
"They don't have any other relative apart from their grandmother who is too old to provide for the needs of the home. These boys go out to look for food everyday and work to make money to buy school books. They find wild grass to cut and then sell it to people with cows. With this little money they buy food. Someti
If you'd like more information on sponsorship visit our website Sponsorship tab. You could change the life of a child and their family forever! For more information you can also email John Kimsey at Blessings to you and thanks for reading the newsletter!

It's in the Eyes
Frank Kato and Ronald Wasswa, twin brothers with an empty soul. Look into their eyes and you'll see poverty, hardship, hopelessness, sadness, and bitterness. Children like this exist throughout the area in which GGI works. Fortunately, Frank and Ronald came to Fountain of Hope to have better life. Their story was told to Sarah Sityo, Pastor Robert's wife, who oversees the sponsorship program.
Frank Kato and Ronald Wasswa, twin brothers with an empty soul. Look into their eyes and you'll see poverty, hardship, hopelessness, sadness, and bitterness. Children like this exist throughout the area in which GGI works. Fortunately, Frank and Ronald came to Fountain of Hope to have better life. Their story was told to Sarah Sityo, Pastor Robert's wife, who oversees the sponsorship program.
"They don't have any other relative apart from their grandmother who is too old to provide for the needs of the home. These boys go out to look for food everyday and work to make money to buy school books. They find wild grass to cut and then sell it to people with cows. With this little money they buy food. Someti
mes they make brooms from the grass to sell and earn a living. If everything fails that means they will go without food. They said they had to earn money to enable them to buy books to use at Fountain of Hope School but also needed to buy some clothes. They told us their favorite food is rice and beef but they rarely have it because it's too expensive."
Sarah emailed us Frank's and Ronald's story and fortunately the Lord was simultaneously preparing a sponsor's heart to sponsor the boys so they could attend school and live in the school's boarding house where they will receive their meals, companionship, and hope for a better future. Sponsorship is making a difference. I hope to share photos of Frank and Ronald at the end of the year when a sparkle returns to their eyes and a smile to their face.
Sarah emailed us Frank's and Ronald's story and fortunately the Lord was simultaneously preparing a sponsor's heart to sponsor the boys so they could attend school and live in the school's boarding house where they will receive their meals, companionship, and hope for a better future. Sponsorship is making a difference. I hope to share photos of Frank and Ronald at the end of the year when a sparkle returns to their eyes and a smile to their face.
If you'd like more information on sponsorship visit our website Sponsorship tab. You could change the life of a child and their family forever! For more information you can also email John Kimsey at Blessings to you and thanks for reading the newsletter!
Frank's first sponsorship photo
Ronald's first sponsorship photo
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