Today Sunday June 26, 2011 is another day I will never forget as long as I live. How can I share everything that I have experienced today? I got up later than usual; never the less I read from the book of John chapters 4 & 5 and spent the remaining time in prayer for the nation of Uganda. Breakfast at the Nile Guest House was an opportunity to read some e-mails and get caught up on things back home. It was so good to read several encouraging messages from friends and family.
We then all traveled to Waajinja to the bush church for Sunday worship service. A small dirt floor building made from rough cut planks and poles with a shiny new tin roof. They were already underway by the time we arrived and our appearance was greeted with a very warm welcome. Hugs and kisses interrupted the services for ten minutes. They seated us in the very front facing the congregation as honored guests. The people in the small bush church really know how to worship God. Their singing is so beautiful primarily because everybody sings. The children sing at the top of their voice and everybody moves with the music which consists of two young men with drums. Joy is the word to describe the service. There is so much joy in their singing, we were able to share in the offering and enjoy two performances by the youth choir. There was a dramatization of the blind man who Jesus healed.
I was able to preach and Pastor Robert translated. The audience was very attentive and seemed to genuinely enjoy the words of encouragement. Everyone was so kind and affectionate and at the end of the service we actually stood in a greeting line. Some of the children even knelt as they greeted us. I have never experiences a worship service like this where the entire congregation participated so whole heartedly.
From there we made our way to the Fountain of Hope School where church services had just concluded. We spent a few hours with the kids that board at the school and had lunch before making our way down to the Nile River where we were to baptize about 70 people. As it turned out, we baptized 162. It was the most incredible thing I have ever witnessed. I stood on the bank of the river weeping as I took it all in.
One after another after another professing their faith in Jesus Christ, and many when they had come up out of the water were not able to walk or stand. At first I just thought they were overcome with joy in their new life in Christ. Then you could hear the shrieks and see their bodies convulse and the spirits came out of them. Many of them had spirits come out of them and were set free. It was very emotional and amazing to see the pastors and deacons at work. They prayed without ceasing and laid hands on the people as they regained their composure. There were several who were so violently shaken that two or three would come to their side to intercedes and cast out the demons. The Holy Spirit did a mighty work today and many young people were delivered. In America we scoff and debate if demons even exist; in Africa the demons are real and everyone knows it. The Church is fighting a mighty battle against the powers of darkness in this place and I have seen it with my own two eyes.
Thank you for putting into words some of what you saw and felt on Sunday. Amazing what God is doing there, and all over the world. I will continue to pray for all of you, that you would encourage and be encouraged in your faith...(Emily's mom)
Thanks for sharing! God is sooooo awesome! We really miss being there. I am going to pring and share this with the whole family.
The kids and I have been reading through Matthew as you have been traveling, and this post was such an amazing link for them to the recounting of John the Baptist. Thank you, for being disciples, for being obedient to the Word, for daring to be outside your comfort zones to witness the growing of the Kingdom. Love, Becca
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