Friday, July 1, 2011

We continue our daily job of visiting and blessing families around Bukeeka. The physical blessings such as mattresses, food, shoes, soap, towels, blankets, shoe polish, school books, and storage lockers obviously help the child and family but the intangible blessing of taking time and sharing a smile with the family is something that is cherished in their hearts and ours. We're traveling in areas that rarely see while people except for trips like ours to assist with Pastor Robert. For a "mzungu" to visit their home is a special treat and boosts their self esteem that we would take the time and effort to come and visit them. I'm sure you'll see from the photos below the happiness they experience.

We've also experienced the spiritual side of life again after returning to the school for lunch. While standing outside the classrooms, one of the rooms started screaming and running out of the room. My first thought was that a rat had entered the room and the children were running out afraid of it. Not so. Before all the children could exit I walked toward the classroom to see what was going on and then I heard - a demon had began to torment a 3rd grade girl and she had gone into convulsions. The teacher was directing the children out and had started to pray for the girl. I walked to the back of the room where the girl was still mumbling and in pain but had stopped shaking. We escorted her outside and into an unused room to be away from the other children and sat her down. I knelt down in front of her along with Emily while Miles, Caleb, and Todd and Samuel a FOH teacher surrounded the girl. The next ten minutes were intense for all of us as this isn't something we encounter everyday! I told her to look into my eyes and we kept her looking into my eyes the entire time to confront and demons that remained. Say "Jesus" I told her. No response. Say "Jesus is King". Still no response. Look into my eyes. Her eyes were so tired and half closed and dazed like. She looked into my eyes and after numerous commands she final started to speak Jesus name. Demons will not glorify and honor Jesus. We prayed over her and continued to have her honor and submit to Jesus. I've never done something like this but I focused on Jesus and continued to hold her eyes to mine. The entire scene was also playing out in English and Luganda language. Eventually, her eyes began to open more and become more focused. Her speach switched from Luganda to English as she began to repeat exactly what I said. "Jesus is my Lord and Savior."

After she was calm and it was clear the episode was over we learned more about her story.
She lives with her mother and amazingly she has had demons attacking her for four years. When I realized that she was also very tired, I asked her if she had slept last night. She answered no and said the demons and kept her awake. My heart was so sad. We instructed her on the power of Jesus name and that she can cast out the demons herself by invoking Jesus' name. Something must be in her home and/or with her mother that allows the demons to continue to attack her. After talking to Pastor, we'll go and visit the home and mother on Monday to see if we can rid the home of what ever charms, idols, or other items that the mother may be using that allow the
tormenting to continue. For now, please pray for this girl (I don't know how to spell her name)
that she may sleep well in the arms of Jesus.

Later in the day, I spoke with Pastor and another student in first grade whom was telling Pastor another interesting tale. At approximately the same time that the 3rd grade girl was having her experience, the 1st grade girl saw a tall man dressed in a white robe with a sword coming at her in the classroom. She yelled in terror and the man disappeared. No one else saw the man. For now we are assuming it was the same demon that was tormenting the other girl. We have our work cut out for us.

Tonight, Todd and I are watching women's World Cup on TV at the guest house as I write the blog. Tomorrow we help with the Fountain of Hope soccer and netball tournament and then the Jesus Film showing in Bukeeka at night. It will be a long day! Blessings, John

1 comment:

Klimper Family said...

You are in our prayers! It is so good to see Miriam in one of the pictures. She looks so good! Hold strong to the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus walks with you and demons fear Him!!!! I love seeing Uganda through your eyes. Blessings to you all. Would love to see a picture of Ruth's girls. In Jesus, Becca